January 2, 2009

See? This is what I’m talking about…

Posted in cleaning, family, Uncategorized tagged , , at 11:24 pm by allisonwonder

Remember when I said that Ike is wired for destruction? He’s a 10-month old demolition expert- and I have photographic proof.

This was his big (though not his only) project for the morning:

dsc07811 Yeah… that used to be the recycling pile. I’m sure he was just helping me get it out so I could put it in boxes.

And then I swept, swiffered and washed the floors. I started with the living room, then did the dining room, and then moved on to the kitchen. And then I went back into the living room to put the furniture back in the right spots, and Ikezilla was at it again.

dsc07825  Those would be his Daddy’s DVDs- Daddy’s not too happy when those end up all over the floor. Just another reason I’m watching kijiji for some storage units with doors on them!

He’s trouble, alright, but there are a few things that make it a bit easier to deal with him than it might otherwise be. for one thing, he’s my baby, and I love him. And then there’s this face of his:

dsc07815  I mean, really- would you be able to get mad at that guy for being curious and busy?


Of course, his brother’s not exactly a saint in that area, either- he can make a pretty good mess, too.


This, my friends, is why I don’t try to have a perfect-looking house. It’s not possible, and it’s no fun. Passable would be nice, though. 🙂

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